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We also send out occasional e-Newsflashes to announce important news items.

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Aged Care - MYMF Partnerships

Your Invitation to Partner Us

The Monash Youth Music Festival Organising Committee is pleased to invite retirement home and aged care facility managers in the City of Monash and beyond to partner us in 2023 to give ongoing performance opportunities for our pianists, accompanied soloists and small ensembles beyond the Monash Youth Music Festival to your residents. This Program was made possible by the generosity of Community Bank Pinewood and their Pitch Partners.

CLICK HERE to learn more!


Пожалуйста, проверьте текущие настройки COVIDSafe на веб-сайте DHHS штата Виктория.

Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что вы соблюдаете последние настройки COVIDSafe от Victorian  Сайт ДХХС.

Пожалуйста, берегите себя и своих близких.

Мы опубликуем наши обновленные правила и процедуры здесь ближе к началу Молодежного музыкального фестиваля в Монаше.

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New Website!

Judy Serelis October 2013

We have updated our website to be more user friendly, with MORE pages and a clearer layout. We hope you like it!

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